Replies from paying users are now given priority on Twitter

Replies from Twitter users with a Blue subscription will now be given priority over those from non-paying users. The company says so on its own site. Paying users can also upload longer videos.

It’s unknown how much more weight answers from paying users are given in rankings, but Twitter mentions the precedence on its Twitter Blue page . The move is not unexpected, as the company had previously said that responses from Blue subscribers would be prioritized in the algorithm. The move is controversial because trolls can buy a higher place in answers that way and that would make the user experience less for other users.

In addition, Blue subscribers can upload videos of up to 2GB. They can last up to an hour and have a maximum resolution of 1080p. For the time being, uploading is only possible via the web: the new higher limit is not yet included in the apps for iOS and Android.

Twitter says it has temporarily taken the #ThereIsHelp feature offline, a feature that directs users where to go for help if they have suicidal thoughts. Reuters writes that according to Twitter, the feature will be back online next week. According to Twitter, the feature is offline due to feature refresh on the platform