Water board cannot collect millions in taxes due to Waternet ICT problems

The Amstel, Gooi and Vecht water board cannot collect millions of euros in water board tax because there are major ICT problems at supplier company Waternet. This was previously under tighter supervision because the water board’s security was already substandard.

In addition to the security problems at Waternet, which includes the municipality of Amsterdam, there are also many problems with the collection of water board taxes , writes Het Parool. These problems do not lie with the water board, but with Waternet. That is the supplier company for drinking water in the capital and surrounding municipalities. Waternet not only collects the costs of drinking water, but also collects water board taxes on behalf of the water board.

According to Amsterdam councilor Diederik Boomsma, it would take at least 3.5 years before the water board’s ICT problems are resolved. At that time, Boomsma estimates that the water board would not be able to collect 200 million euros in taxes. Alderman Rijxman of Amsterdam says that there are no problems for the municipality, which is on the board of the water board.

The ICT problems at Waternet have existed for years. Het Parool wrote earlier< /a> that these problems mean that depreciations are often not done properly or too late. This would also put civilians in trouble. Incorrect estimates are also made about water levels, because Waternet does not process some meter readings properly.

Waternet has also had problems with the security of its ICT systems for years. In 2020, Waternet was placed under stricter supervision< /a> of the Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate. That happened after Follow The Money revealed that security was poor was in order. For example, the water company is said to have concealed a negative pen test.

The problems mainly lie with Waternet and not with the Water Board AGV. Matthijs Pontier has a seat in that water board, who is also the leader of the Pirate Party. At the initiative of De Groenen, the party on whose behalf Pontier holds the seat, the water board’s ICT has been extra secured in recent years. He told in an interview with Tweakers.< /p>
