Deleted Twitter messages reappear online without user input


Even years later, Twitter doesn't delete your direct messages | TechCrunch

Several users have noticed over the past week that already deleted tweets suddenly seem to reappear on Twitter. The social medium has not yet responded to the incidents. It’s not clear if it’s a limited bug or a more systemic one.

Developer Dick Morrell seems to be the first prominent user to report the issue, so ZDnet noted. Morrell wrote in a post on Twitter counterpart Mastodon: “Last November I already deleted my tweets. I then used Redact to delete all my likes, media and retweets. That totaled 38,000. This morning I suddenly had 34,000 tweets again, presumably restored by Twitter after a server park reboot.”

A person who says he used to work at Twitter confirms to Morrell that it does indeed appear to be a server issue; when migrating certain servers to another data center, the data may have accidentally been placed online again.

Also The Verge journalist James Vincent says some of his nearly 5,000 deleted tweets, in this case all retweets, have appeared online again after they were deleted in early May. Vincent states that in his case it could be a problem with the external deletion tool, although Morrell reports the same problem after using Redact.

Twitter has not yet provided any clarity about the incidents . Both ZDnet and The Verge have requested a response from the social medium, but the response was simply sent a poop emoji, the standard response to press inquiries, so certain Elon Musk in March.