Publisher scientific journal Nature thinks use of ChatGPT by authors is okay

The publisher of Nature and other scientific journals considers it acceptable for authors to use ChatGPT or other AI tools in articles, as long as they disclose their use. ChatGPT cannot become an author.

Springer Nature, which publishes many scientific journals, updated its rules to make it clear that authors must mention the use of ChatGPT or similar tools. The publisher argues that ChatGPT cannot be the author of a scientific paper, even if it has largely generated the text. According to the publisher, an author is responsible for the content and an AI system cannot be held responsible.

The publisher notes that ChatGPT is currently probably of limited use for writing scientific articles. After all, the output depends on the association between words and the system does not check itself for errors. In addition, it structures texts differently than people do. In November, OpenAI released running a public version of AI conversation tool ChatGPT, but the development of Large Language Models has been underway for some time.
